Prices / Rates

Currently Available Subscriptions

1. 3-Day Subscription price: USD 3.99
Unlimited access to all movies, videos and audio songs for 3 full days. You can not buy new subscription before the current one expires. You will have to wait until the current subscription expires.
2. Monthly Subscription price: USD 9.99
Subscription is valid for one month. You've to renew each month by online payment. You will have unlimited access to all high quality movies, video songs & audio songs for a complete month. You will be given 1 extra day to renew your subscription.
3. 3-Month Subscription price: USD 27.99 $29.99 Limited Time only
Subscription is valid for 3 month. You've to renew after every 3 months by online payment. You will have unlimited access to all high quality movies, video songs & audio songs for 3 complete months. You will be given 3 extra days to renew your subscription.